Immigration Services

What about us?

Impaxive helps you accelerate your immigration needs. We take away the hurdles of paper work and processes coming your way. We offer іndіvіduаlіstіс , dіstіnсtіvе аnd rеsроnsіvе рrоgrаms thаt ореn еntrуwауs fоr skіllеd аnd tаlеntеd іndіvіduаls whо hаvе thе уеаrnіng аnd еnеrgу tо grаsр аdvаnсеd opportunity tо ассоmрlіsh thеіr оwn аnd ехреrt оbјесtіvеs.

Business and Investment Visa

Countries are keen on attracting successful businessmen with an entrepreneurial spirit. Impaxive identify the best type of Business and Investment Visa and help clients procure it in a timely manner.

Company Sponsorship

Impaxive facilitate the process of getting company sponsorship Visa seamless and smooth.

Student Visa

Studying abroad is now easy and hassle-free in the course of your choice in a University that provides you the support and exposure you need with Impaxive.

Skilled Migration

Countries across the globe are always vying for highly skilled workers based on the value add their skills can make to their country - we help you explore, shortlist and secure Visa for the country of your choice.

Family Visa

Many countries allow entire families to migrate together - we keep families united in the country of their choice with Family Visa assistance.

Temporary Work Visa

We assist our clients with everything needed to acquire their temporary work Visa so they can focus on improving their skills while we take care of the hassles.

Tourist Visa

Focus on your dream destination and leave the tourist Visa to Impaxive - start planning, we do the running around for you.